Do you need help or a hug?


I have a number of helpful people in my family. Some more so than others. Some of those that tend to be on the very helpful side also border on what we call “aggressively helpful”. Although their heart is in the right place, they jump in without really knowing the plan or being asked if help is needed. And no… I’m not going to name any names… you know who you are!

As nice as it might be to have uber-helpful people around you, help doesn’t always look like doing or fixing. Sometimes it’s as simple as sitting and listening.

I mean we’ve all been in those situations where what you really want is a supportive listening ear and what you get instead is advice, suggestions, and way too much input.

So let’s simplify it a bit… how about asking if ‘help or a hug’ is needed?


Do you need support or suggestions?
Are you looking for strategies or soothing?

I mean, how amazing would it be if you asked this (or asked for this) before you started conversations with those that you love the most?

I have a strong feeling that a lot of communication mishaps would be avoided if you were really clear about whether you actually needed help or just a hug!

Let’s all give it a try… together.

Until next week,


P.S. Try this a few times with your partner or kids and let me know how it goes. Send me an email with your success stories or feel free to let me know if you need some tweaks on how to make this even more successful. I got you!


Anna Osborn