Take it offline


Relationship 101 here… don’t throw each other under the bus.

I’m saying this as clearly as possible because I see this play out in session and it does not work!

Not to your extended family. Not to your friends. Not with your kids.

It never ends well.

We all know that you’re going to handle similar situations differently. And this is never more true in your partnership or parenting.  Regardless of whether you have a different vision on the best approach to handle something, you have to remind yourself (over and over sometimes) that throwing each other under the bus will not serve you or your relationship.

If you see things differently than your mate, take that conversation offline. Don’t let your opposing approaches play out in front of a whole room full of people.

Don’t weaponize your differences. 

Make sure that miscommunications or missteps stay between the two of you and are not blasted out for public (or family/friend) judgment. 

Stop blaming each other for the breakdown in communication and start taking ownership of your own stuff. 

Leave scapegoats and gaslighting at the door.

And don’t throw each other under the bus.


Short, simple, and to the point.

Until next week,


P.S. Remember you’re supposed to be each other’s supports. If you’re stuck in a loop of being at odds or struggling to have each other’s backs, please reach out. Let’s work together and get you back on each other’s side.


Anna Osborn